Friday, February 27, 2009

what do you really miss at home... Nostalgija...

many times in these 9 months in Paris, I was thinking and discussing with my friends about what "nostalgia" is and what do you really miss at home?
for sure i don't miss politics and politicians jumping out from newspapers, tv and billboards every second of the life, i don't miss affairs and corruption, my old-fashion university that is preparing me for middle age economics, pessimists and negative energy and so on... I am sure my friend Milan can think of many other examples :)))

BUUUT... for sure I miss my mum and dad and just all of my friends... and food mmm.. and nature, "my places", my hometown Nis (imagine, I miss Nis! :P)... I miss OUR sun :) I miss home...

This internship has helped me understand who am I really, what I love at home, and not just what I want to change... It helped me appreciate my country more, but also respecting the culture that I discovered here in France.

I am realy greatful to have the opportunity to discover my feelings, which is really valuable for me, by being put in a challenging environment. Maybe the most interesting thing is growing and discovering this with people - my friends now - that were complete strangers just a few months ago...

So as a citizen of the world... I miss my home...and I appreciate the opportunity to miss it!!!!