Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Easiest Way to Change People's Behavior

since, in last couple of months it is very interesting to see how Alcatel Lucent change process is going on, and also be a part of it in day to day work, behaviors became a hot topic those days... i would say not how to change peoples behaviors but how to develop the right one...grow them in our company organization, team... here is very interesting article on the topic...and a couple of interesting parts for me...

"So don't fight yourself to change your behavior in the midst of the wrong environment; just change the environment. In the case of food, using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate might be all the diet you need."

"The lion that sat so royally on the rock at the top of the hill, day in and day out, for all the park visitors to see?

It turns out the rock he sat on was temperature controlled. It was warm on cold days, cool on hot days. No need to train the lion or tie him to the rock or hope he likes the view. Just make the rock a place he wants to sit."

and thank tina for the image :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What can I do?


very true

"We are not the same persons this years as last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing,continue to love a changed person."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

12. mart 2003...

„Izgubili smo osećaj za važnost života. Ne samo što fizički život ne znači mnogo, oguglali smo na mrtve. Ali to važi za mnogo generacija. Ponašamo se kao da ovo nije naš jedini život, kao da imamo popravni ispit i još nekoliko života. Stvara se atmosfera da se žrtvujemo za neke više ciljeve, da se odričemo zadovoljstva, sreće zbog nečeg važnog i velikog, a kada se upitamo šta je to, nema odgovora. Nemilice trošimo dane i godine, tonemo u beznađe, arčimo naše ljudske i nacionalne potencijale. A zarad čega? Moramo se probuditi. Deset godina smo protraćili, neki od nas deset najboljih godina, neki deset poslednjih, a neki deset prvih, presudnih za formiranje ličnosti. I sve to s jako malo zadovoljstva, sreće, napredovanja.“

Zoran Djindjic

What matters to Me...and to You?

ps thank to yunus for this video

Friday, February 27, 2009

what do you really miss at home... Nostalgija...

many times in these 9 months in Paris, I was thinking and discussing with my friends about what "nostalgia" is and what do you really miss at home?
for sure i don't miss politics and politicians jumping out from newspapers, tv and billboards every second of the life, i don't miss affairs and corruption, my old-fashion university that is preparing me for middle age economics, pessimists and negative energy and so on... I am sure my friend Milan can think of many other examples :)))

BUUUT... for sure I miss my mum and dad and just all of my friends... and food mmm.. and nature, "my places", my hometown Nis (imagine, I miss Nis! :P)... I miss OUR sun :) I miss home...

This internship has helped me understand who am I really, what I love at home, and not just what I want to change... It helped me appreciate my country more, but also respecting the culture that I discovered here in France.

I am realy greatful to have the opportunity to discover my feelings, which is really valuable for me, by being put in a challenging environment. Maybe the most interesting thing is growing and discovering this with people - my friends now - that were complete strangers just a few months ago...

So as a citizen of the world... I miss my home...and I appreciate the opportunity to miss it!!!!